合作夥伴DefiantBoyz → 當我們發現 Ric 在地板上觀看色情視頻時,他幾乎是赤身裸體。他在鏡頭前搖晃他的大雞巴,問我們喜不喜歡。這個黑頭髮的男孩在他的陰莖上塗上潤滑油,真的很喜歡按摩它和他的蛋蛋。

Ric is practically naked when we find him on the floor watching a porn video. Shaking his big cock in front of the camera, he asks if we like it. This black haired boy soaps his cock in lube and really likes to massage it as well as his balls. He strokes his dick f

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